Friday, October 14, 2011


As I've grown into my film career, I've been accused at becoming something of a douchey cinema snob.  Perhaps this is true.  And the last two blogs I've posted might provide some evidence to that fact.

Perhaps it is out of my snobby love for classic films and television:  Creepshow or Tales From The Crypt or Twilight Zone or that it's just plain bad ass, I love TRICK R TREAT.  I couldn't recommend this flick anymore to you unless I drove to your house, tied you in a chair and made you watch it.  (Was that creepy?  Yes.  But that's the depths I'm willing to go.)

TRICK R TREAT tells four interlocking stories all taking place on Halloween night.  It features an all star cast  including Anna Paquin and combines the best elements of the Halloween holiday itself.  It's scary, it's violent, but there is a sense of fun and mischief behind it.  So the humor comes not from poking fun at the horror aspects at all, but by honoring the legacy of the holiday and hearkening back to the days of the old late night vignettes.  Many believe Halloween is the night where the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest.  The film captures that idea with playful aplomb.

So, I've spoken to people who hated this movie.  That it wasn't gory enough, scary enough, violent enough.  To them I would say that they don't get it.  A few folks I know, including my home boy Benjamin Jabe are also  devotees to the film.  He used it as inspiration for the LEGEND OF OLD MAN McGREGOR that will premiere at Scarlet Waters year.  I guess that makes he and I some "snobby film hipster douche bags."  There are worse things.


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