Sadly, he didn't. Joel McHale confirmed on his Twitter that, in fact, Community has gone into some kind of hiatus.
Does this mark the end of the one of the best written shows on TV? It definitely doesn't bode well for the show. Whether were heading for the early death of an Arrested Development or whether the show will limp along in SCRUBS-ian fashion remains to be seen.
One thing is clear however. The proof that the American cultural IQ has dropped to the point that it can be satiated with more reality and typical sitcom fare is evident.
Part of my love of Community stems from the fact that it is most decidedly a-typical. It's meta, its irreverent and it pokes fun at the Whitneys and the Up All Nights of the world by illustrating all of the tropes that make those genres so silly and overdone. As a film guy and someone who'd rather watch a movie than most of the tripe on TV these days, I get that. And so does a very loyal fan base that I don't think will take this lightly. For those of you who don't get it, who didn't feel "in on the joke," I don't know what to say. Maybe less REAL HOUSEWIVES and X FACTORS and more entertainment of substance? If you want to give the show a shot, I suggest the Halloween Ep of season 1 and the season 1 & 2 finales.
What was a dynamic night of off beat comedies just got less so. I for one hope to be back at Greendale sooner than later.